Industrial Hygiene

Enviroair Consultants offers a wide range of Industrial Hygiene and Safety services, both independently and in conjunction with affiliates.


Programs & Services

Employees are a key asset of any organization; managing their safety and health is not only legally required, but makes good business sense as well. Enviroair can assist you in your regulatory compliance efforts and assess the status and needs of your organization.

Enviroair Consultants offers a wide range of Industrial Hygiene and Safety services, both independently and in conjunction with affiliates.

The following briefly describes some of the services we provide in the areas of Industrial Hygiene:

Indoor Air Quality Assessments

Reports of health problems attributed to poor indoor air quality have been increasing steadily in recent years. The result has been an alarming number of lost workdays and medical costs in the billions of dollars. The indoor environment can contain both diffuse and localized sources of chemical and/or biological contaminants. Enviroair can identify most building contaminants and their sources, and provide recommended control or treatment strategies to alleviate the problem. We specialize in issues of moisture intrusion bioaerosols.

Employee Exposure Monitoring

A major component of Industrial Hygiene is monitoring employee exposure to chemical stresses (gases, dusts, fumes, mists, and vapors), and physical stresses (electromagnetic radiation, lasers, noise, vibration, heat and cold) in the workplace. Enviroair quantifies employee exposures using NIOSH, OSHA or other approved sampling methods by evaluating samples taken from employee “breathing zones.” Sample results are compared to current regulatory limits to determine if exposure exceeds specified limits. All Industrial Hygiene air samples are analyzed by a fully accredited analytical laboratory to determine contaminant concentration levels.

Noise Assessment & Consulting

Under OSHA 29 CFR 1910.95, Occupational Noise Exposure Standard and Hearing Conservation Amendment, any workplace operations having noise levels in excess of 85 dBA are required to protect employees. Compliance of this standard requires several administrative programs. Enviroair can assist employers in their compliance efforts by evaluating employee exposures to noise levels, by helping in the development of a written hearing conservation program, or by performing octave band analysis and other tests for engineering purposes.

Hazard Communication Programs

OSHA’s 29 CFR 1910.1200 Hazard Communication standard now requires every type of business to communicate potential chemical hazards to all respective employees. This regulation requires that the employer have a written program identifying the chemicals and hazards associated with every job. Enviroair has the experience and knowledge to develop a written program, conduct employee training programs, and provide the Material Safety Data Sheets necessary to satisfy this regulation.

Contact Enviroair Consultants Toll Free at 1-888-5-ENVIRO for complete details.

Reach Us

Enviroair Consultants, Inc.

47519 Van Dyke Ave.
Shelby Township, Michigan 48317 

Local: 586-840-3230
Fax: 586-840-3231
Toll Free: 888-5-ENVIRO

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